Go is a new programming language compared to many other programming languages like C, C++, Java, etc., but it has many practical and useful features and in most cases more productive. On the other hand, FreeBSD has been around for very long time and proven to be the most reliable, one of the most powerful operating system available today. In this paper, we will discuss the issues, pros, cons, and common pitfalls of developing software in Go on FreeBSD and we chose content filtering software for this purpose, and called our project Shuultuur. First, we will describe a rational behind our choices for setting up our development environment and toolchain. In addition, we will list specific hurdles, that we faced, related to content filtering software, Go and FreeBSD. Furthermore, our real world benchmarking results in contrast to Dansguardian and other findings will be presented. Finally, we will conclude and discuss possible future works.